Mar, 21 2023

(cryo)FIB/SEM workshop across the disciplines
We organized a 2-day workshop that celebrated the arrival of a state-of-the-art FIB/SEM at the UIC’s Research Resources Center Electron Microscopy Core (EMC). The dual-beam instrument, a ThermoFisher Helios 5 CX, was purchased with support from the University of Illinois Chicago, Northwestern University, and the ARO DURIP Program. It is equipped with an Aquilos cryo-stage and a Leica vacuum cryo transfer system, and offers STEM, EDS, and EBSD detectors in addition to back scattered and secondary electron contrast analyses. A unique capability is the tie in with a Ferrovac UHV cryo-shuttle that enables transfer of samples for analysis at the Northwestern University Center for Atom Probe Tomography (NUCAPT).